Sunday, April 13, 2014

If a picture is worth a 1000 words...

Week 4/7/14 - 4/11/14
SGE presentations like this...
Got us hands on by Friday!!

This was a great week of dynamic and fast paced student teaching experiences. Kicking off small gas engines on Monday in Ag. Mech. to a fun pH lesson that included taste testing got the momentum going. With Mr. Anderson out Tuesday and Wednesday I felt I was successful in motivating the students to do their research and presentations on SGE's to get us out in the shop and hands on by Friday. The attached pictures are a pretty good representation of their efforts!
Effort like this...

The Ag. Mech. CDE was a great experience
I even pitched in as the Excel score keeper!

One of the best welders in the room, hard at it!
Getting the "gentlemen start you engines" speech for electrical component!

Ag Mech. CDE Written Component
Ended the week with a visit from Brittany Rigg that was an awesome experience for us both and a great lesson on application of the 3-4-5 Triangle in Landscape Design!
The girls were actually the most accurate with their 3-4-5 Triangle!
The boy's thought a sledge hammer would "help" their accuracy!


1 comment:

  1. Great post, the pictures do show what was happening. Great lesson on Friday!
