Saturday, April 26, 2014

Experience of a lifetime!

Student Teaching Internship Experience Final Blog Entry

My student teaching experience with Mr. Mark Anderson at Elizabethtown High School was a tremendous experience that will benefit me for the rest of my life. Mr. Anderson is not only a great agriculture education instructor but, also one of the most authentic men I have known. He is truly a cooperating teacher that approaches the student teaching experience without an ego and the intention to develop an agriculture educator that "can get it done where it counts, in front of the students!" His ability to shape an educator in the period of time we are allotted is inspiring because he allows the student teacher to grow and develop in an experiential fashion that is approached with 22 years of experience when we sat down at lunch and at the end of each day to develop, plan, and evaluate my progress in this experience. He excels at critiquing and complimenting the various parts of lessons in a way that comes across as a chance for improvement and development, not criticism. In trying to change my approach, techniques, methods, and ideas he is able to present options for consideration that give the student teacher the flexibility to implement them without spoon feeding how it should be done. This created for me the opportunity to take his advice and put my spin or style on it to try it out and develop something that worked for me by incorporating his suggestions. His approach to agriculture education and instruction is proven in the results of his students achievements in the classroom, shop, FFA, and later in life's pursuits. I hope someday I am one of those students who reflect well upon him!
Mr. Anderson a model educator in Action: Gentlemen start (to disassemble) Your Engines!
He gave me every opportunity in the classroom, shop, greenhouse, FFA, and with SAE's that he had to offer, to develop what I hope to become as a dynamic agriculture educator.
One of the best aspects of student teaching with Mr. Anderson was the attitude, skills, and awareness of the school as a community that might easily be overlooked. His relationship and standing in the Elizabethtown School District from the District Administrative Office, Principals Office including Deans and secretaries, all the way out to the maintenance department is one of the best examples I could have had to ensure I understand my role, place, and responsibilities in the school community.
I was blessed with great students at Elizabethtown demonstrated by the students in the agriculture program, in FFA pursuits, and the general population. I did have the usual challenges with classroom management and individual students but, all that proved to me is students are the same today as when I was in high school. They are there to be educated, socialized, shaped, and molded into the next generation of citizens. Is that easy? No! Is it worth it? Yes! I know because I am a product of public education and high school, especially agriculture education programs including FFA and SAE's are one of the last, best chances to positively influence and impact students lives!
I will be forever indebted to Mr. Anderson for the time, wisdom, attitude, influence, and friendship he shared with me! I truly benefitted from over 55 years of teaching experience during my student teaching internship with my cooperating teacher Mark Anderson and Ron Frederick as my University Supervisor. I am humbled and grateful for the time, patience, and effort they shared in furthering my development as an agriculture educator.

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