Sunday, March 16, 2014


Sunday - I went to SLLC today to kick off the week early. I started out grading proficiency award applications and really enjoyed visiting with fellow teachers in the process. It was great to see my cohort and build some new relationships, especially getting to know some of the Del. Val. student teachers. It was great to share experiences, ideas, and develop my future professional network.

Monday - Today at SLLC we had a session on SOL's from PDE which was somewhat dry, but a good introduction to the new learning objective system they're working on. In the afternoon we volunteer to help a community therapeutic horse riding organization. We primarily forked and shoveled manure all afternoon. The hard work was worthwhile and meant a lot to the organization. We enjoyed the camaraderie of hard work and good laughs while we were hard at it. In the evening I used the Dance time to further develop my network and visit with my cohort. It was a great opportunity to visit in a relaxed atmosphere.

Tuesday - Today was the last day of SLLC, we had an awesome time eating breakfast with our local representative and later visiting with him in his office at the capital building. We also toured several areas in the capital building and watched part of a session. It really brings government to life for the students.

Wednesday - Today our ag. mechanics sections started cutting the steel for  the C clamp project. I led the second section in the shop and felt like I did a good job of making it about a whole lot more than hands on experience with the metal band saw. I highlighted safe working practices, teamwork, and job preparedness.
Greenhouse mgmt. continued to amaze me with their creativity in applying the concepts they're exposed to in the classroom. The hands on component builds retention that simply isn't possible with power points. They are constructing greenhouses using popsicle sticks to highlight the design and structural components they were exposed to last week with minimum element requirements for design and structure.

Thursday - Today the students finished up their  greenhouse models to be evaluated on representation of design and major structural elements in greenhouse design. Most of the students took a lot of pride in their model designing, incorporating, and labeling the structures we learned about. Instruction in Ag Mechanics is going well and even though I am not the caliber of Mr. A when it comes to C clamp fabrication the students seem to respect my efforts as we share our welding and fabrication progress together, a good experience for us all!
Friday - Continued to work on our C clamps growing confident in fabrication as it is a lot more attention to detail and prep versus just running a bead. A student or two has discovered just how strong 70000 pounds of tensile strength is after checking to see if their clamps are true and straight after running a bead instead of after tacking it up :)

 In greenhouse management it was interesting to see the students continue not read directions, given most are male I am only a little surprised. I gave them a "quiz" that was actually an article review where all the questions, blanks, and short answers could be accomplished by simply reading the attached article, hence the title of Quiz - Article Review. I could only stand for 5 minutes before telling them they could remove the cover page quiz if it made reading the article easier. Big sigh! Oh! They seem to engage for the most part with the session since we were in the classroom, out in the greenhouse, and back in the classroom keeping them on their toes. I am challenged by a few attitudes but, I try (sometimes I do better, than others) to bear in mind what its like to be a teenager in high school, a tough combination for some.

1 comment:

  1. Greenhouse structures look interesting I am glad to see that you are enjoying the horticulture class. It provides a fairly easy opportunity to combine classroom theory and hands-on.

    The C clamps are always interesting. Students have no idea what 70,000 pounds is, but what a real life way to apply some physics and test some welds.

    SLLC and the sharing between student teachers and among teachers is always a great experience.
